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Re: DOJ?

> David Murray wrote:
> > 
> > I enjoy lurking on this group, and had expected to see several
> > messages this morning regarding the national news last night, but
> > alas:
> > 
> > What happened to the DOJ over the weekend?
> It was hacked and modified to be the Depatment of Injustice - I thought
> it was most amusing (although not everyone will agree, of course).

Since we haven't seen much public about just what happened, I suppose we can 
assume that it was the usual careless lax security.

I *am* curious if the perpretrators left a trail.  I'm not sure that I'd want 
to be caught by the Justice Department.  "Oh, please!  Make an example of me!  
I want you to use me as your test case!"  ;-)

The sad thing is that if they're good enough to be a real threat, they 
probably won't get caught.  If they were amateurs, they'll have an example 
made of them.


Chris Garrigues                    O-              cwg@DeepEddy.Com
  Deep Eddy Internet Consulting                     +1 512 432 4046
  609 Deep Eddy Avenue
  Austin, TX  78703-4513              http://www.DeepEddy.Com/~cwg/

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